Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My life is not like TV

Rob just announced that Karen, Susanna, and I are all (in our separate appartments) watching "So, You Think You Can Dance". The reason he knows this, of course, is that he, Dion, and Kevin are all (in their separate apartments) playing WOW. As for SYTYCD, in my amateur opinion, it's time for Ryan to go. He's an amazing break dancer but he's just not versatile enough to stay in the competition. The ladies have it tougher, though. I'd say that neither of them is the worst female dancer left in the competition but I guess they had poor performances this week. If I had to pick between them, I'd say that Destiny should get to stay. She's definitely the most versatile of the two of them. And it's starting to bug me that Melody only kicks with her right leg. She only jete's with her right leg forward too.

I think that this style of competition is tough on the hip hoppers. I would say that it'd be nearly impossible for some of those modern types to do head spins but the head spinners can do at least a pretty decent job at impersonating a ballroom dancer. Unfortunately, the modern/ballroom/ballet/lyrical types can all do eachother's styles pretty well they just suck at one type -- hip hop -- which makes them look more versatile than the hip hoppers who struggle with anything that isn't hip hop. On the other hand, the audience has a greater appreciation for the hip hop style than for the other styles. Regardless, Ryan and the others who'll be exiting in the next few weeks are going to miss out on the prize money but I think most of them have fine looking careers ahead of them. I've been finding the whole contest really inspiring, actually. It's helped me put together a few good ideas for choreography for the upcoming PushPull season.

In other TV news -- I think there's a chance I'm obsessed with CSI. Not only did I watch a significant portion of the CSI marathon this weekend but when I was pondering over what was a colossal disaster of a lunch meeting with my supervisor, I started drawing all sorts of parallels to Grissom and wishing I was more like Catherine and less like Sarah and Greg. Today at lunch I was so awkward and uncomfortable when trying to talk to my supervisor about stuff that my hands were visibly shaking and I couldn't make eye contact or anything. We'll not even discuss how many shades of red I'm sure my face was. Catherine would never do that.

Rob's face is a little red today too. He fell on it. It was a very tiny bike riding accident. Parents who are reading this need not worry. He's a little scraped up though. He's had quite a few days of bad kharma. On Monday night he locked our keys in our apartment, on Tuesday he'd misplaced some important things (they have since been found), and today he fell off his bike. Good grief!

Hopefully we'll be doing better tomorrow. Wish us luck -- Rob's going to play some ultimate and I have my very first West Side Story rehearsal. As long as Rob doesn't have to layout on his chin and I don't have to sing, I think we'll be great!

Talk to you soon,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell Rob that it isn't a voodoo doll of Mackenzie, it is really of him and I had tons of fun on Saturday doing things to it.
