Monday, April 28, 2008


I made a pile of cupcakes this weekend; some for Clare’s baptism and some as preparation for a wedding that’s coming up in May. The two sets were just slight variations on a theme. Chocolate cake, caramel filling, vanilla frosting. The chocolate cake was my trusty, reliable recipe from “The Cake Bible”. I made two different caramel fillings for the Bride and Groom to try – dulce de leche (boil a can of sweetened condensed milk method) and the caramel cream recipe I found here. I made my standard vanilla Swiss Meringue Buttercream for some of the cupcakes with a couple of ‘happy accidents’ that lead to a slightly lighter version than I normally get. It goes to show that I can still learn something about buttercream. For the Bride and Groom’s cakes, I topped them with a marshmallow-y vanilla meringue and dipped them in coating chocolate as in “Hi-hat Cupcakes”. I originally got the idea from a recent Martha episode. But I used the recipe that I found here.

I was very happy with the results and do have a slight preference for the dulce de leche filling and meringue topping. I tried to dip the buttercream frosted cakes but they just didn’t turn out as well.

Talk to you soon,



Kern said...

"It goes to show that I can still learn something about buttercream."

I think it can be fairly said that you have forgotten more about buttercream than I will ever know. :)

I cannot, in truth, be said to know what buttercream is (though I'm fairly certain it's made from milk). I go now to consult Wikipedia.

Rebecca said...

Out of curiosity, I checked the Wiki for buttercream myself. It's pretty accurate, though, not how I would have described it.