Thursday, October 13, 2005

Tell Your Friends

Check this out!

A woman I know of through the knitting community in Toronto has started a company/website called "Tit Bits". You can read about her on the website I linked to up there. In a nutshell -- in response to looking for a breast prosthesis after her mastectomy, she was outraged at the price and limited variety. And so she KNIT herself a new boob. Over the years there has been overwhelming interest in her tit bits. Now she's officially opened up shop. She's mostly selling them through her webpage but Secrets from my Sister on Bloor is also selling them. Her website also has an open forum dedicated to the many topics around breast cancer.

If you can, check it out. And then tell all your friends.

Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just read Saturday's Standard and there is a big write up about Tit Bits. To bad you weren't here today as Aunt Ev & I went to a craft show. The one vendor had the most beautiful yarns I have ever seen. Since you weren't there we had no idea what to by. Maybe a trip to Fonthill will be in store the next time you are in St.Catharines. Got a good start on my Christmas gifts today there. Wish you could have seen the stuff - really different & so very inexpensive.Actually got you somthing. HA HA - have to wait unitl January!!!!!