Friday, July 31, 2009

18 Months Magic!

Just two weeks ago, our magical little girl turned 18 months old and it really does feel like there's something magical about her right now. We have all found a groove, a happy little routine that we all seem to enjoy. Clare's ability to express herself and communicate has improved as well as her patience. We are better able to help her understand what's going on and what's about to happen. Both of these steps has meant fewer and fewer tantrums. In itself, this feels like magic but there's more to it than that. There's been a sudden change in maturity or independence or something I can't quite put my finger on. It's a kind of feeling of cohesion, maybe, like now we're really sharing our lives with each other, experiencing each other in a way we weren't before. Maybe it's this transition she's made from helpless infant to young girl that has changed the dynamic in our family.

And while Clare has been meeting or exceeding the expected milestones for her age, that's not why Rob and I are so proud of her these days. Clare's been demonstrating real kindness to her parents, her friends, her family, her pets, and her teachers that Rob and I just love. Maybe kindness is innate to all kids, I don't know, but we're sure happy to see how naturally it comes to her. Clare's also started to show some real bravery. I've mentioned before, possibly often, that she's been a tentative, almost shy, girl so far. Lately though, she's been trying new things, talking to people who are unfamiliar to her, and seeing some fun as the result of her efforts. Of course, this possitive reinforcement has only lead to more brave efforts. Do I suspect that she'll ever be wildly outgoing and adventurous? Only time will tell, but I have my doubts. I'm just happy to see her not hold herself back.. even at this young age. Lastly, as her parents, we're really starting to see some payoff in the discipline department. As much as Clare really wants to explore limits and test things out, she's quite responsive to the rules. Battles we had a month ago to establish these rules are long gone as she as accepted that these things are part of the way we live.

On Tuesday, Clare will be moving to the Toddler Room at her daycare. She's started the transition already - and as most kids do - is struggling with it a bit. This jarring of her routine has put her a bit on edge this week. She was getting so comfortable in the infant room, knowing the names of all the other kids and teachers, helping the little kids with their shoes or the rules - maybe exhibiting her first-child-tendencies on them a little (heh). We're sure she'll settle in just fine in a few days, but for now, Rob and I are giving her as much extra cuddle time as she needs. Not that we mind the extra cuddle time - in the least!

While we know, all things must pass, we're relishing this magic as long as we've got it!

Talk to you soon,


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