Thursday, April 10, 2008

Street Cleaner

I heard a street cleaner on my way home tonight.

When I was in 2nd year of undergrad I lived in residence and every night at 11:46 a street cleaner would pass outside my window on St. George St. That was when I'd be talking on the phone to my boyfriend. The street cleaner was our signal that it was time to get off of the phone and get some sleep.

I always think about that when I hear street cleaners.

Talk to you soon,


Karen Lew said...

Indeed, the street cleaner should be approaching 241 as we "speak"....

kristin said...

yes, the street cleaner sounds remind me of beverley too.

Rob said...

stop thinking about your old boyfriends

Kevin said...

Yeah, I think the street cleaner was loudest on the couch!! And when I lived upstairs my room was at the back, so I really couldn't hear it.