Friday, September 29, 2006


I think I'm still in that mode where September feels like the beginning of a new year. I know that I'm not in school anymore - haven't been for ages .. but it just feels like a beginning. It's when I want to start things. Sometimes, it feels weird that every September I'm on a mission for something new, ready and excited for big change, feeling my most productive and fruitful - while the nature around me is getting ready to nap for 6 months or to just "drop dead" until Spring.

This Fall has been no different. I've been ready to tackle all sorts of new projects. But the biggest and best "first for Fall" happened last night. It was the first rehearsal of the PushPull 06/07 Season. Holy Crap! It's our THIRD season! You could knock me over with a feather if I think about it too hard. The show's already cast and it's gonna be a great season. I'll try to forgive Kelly for scheduling it so that the first dance I'm learning is to Aerosmith.

Another first for me this week will be getting an RSS reader. I've decided that it's time. I scan about 10 different blogs now, looking for new posts and I think it's high time to get updates instead of running through my list every morning. If anyone knows of a good way to do this, let me know. I'm still not sure what the best readers are. If I figure anything out, I'll post an update.

Have a good weekend, everybody!



Karen Lew said...

Teaching or not, September will always be New Year's for me. I can imagine though that for farmers and tax-people New Year's comes in spring.

Kern said...

I remember when I graduated I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to adjust to not having the whole summer to play and frolick. The idea of working year-round while all the kids got a whole SEASON to reax and have fun seemed almost despotic.